Formation et coaching


infuero vous propose régulièrement des formations, ateliers pratiques, événements et sessions de coaching juridique. Souvent en présentiel, parfois en ligne, retrouvez ci-dessous les événements à venir et rejoignez-nous en vous inscrivant.

Thursday 25.05.2023 at 9h00 - Silversquare Luxembourg

Trademark workshop and live registration (bring your own laptop)

A trademark is what distinguishes your products or services from those of your competitors.

By registering your trademark, you become the owner of exclusive rights to it. Not only do you have the exclusive right to use it, but you can also prohibit your competitors from using it, through criminal proceedings if necessary.

During this practical workshop, we will review the different types of possible trademarks (verbal, figurative, semi-figurative, shape, pattern, sound, etc.). We will also analyze how to perform a prior art search in order not to be in conflict with an existing trademark.
We will see especially in practice how to register your trademark: with which office? For what price? How to go about it?

So sign up for our practical legal workshop and bring your own laptop. At the end of this 45 minutes workshop Claude Englebert, lawyer, and Kenza Dubois, legal expert, of law firm infuero, will guide you live and step by step to register your trademark.

All this accompanied by a delicious breakfast with croissants and coffee.

Nous contacter


Un cabinet d'avocat au service de l'entreprise et de ses dirigeants


infuero SàRL

21 rue Glesener - L-1631 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 621 782 548
Email :
RCS B264370